March 2021 Advertiser Article

parlington around 1860, stereo photo & brewster viewer

Early photography was very different, in fact photography up until the nineteen nineties was constrained by the storage medium. But with the advent of digital cameras and electronic storage the world changed. Back in the Victorian era a camera was a huge box with a brass mount for a large glass lens, all supported on a sturdy wooden tripod.… Read the full article

Trees, We Must Protect Them

I love trees! whenever I am in an area where there is a predominance of trees I take the opportunity to photograph them, I say photograph rather than snap, because I hope to get a considered view. The shot in this post is one such opportunity I seized whilst visiting Tewkesbury Abbey earlier this week, it’s a great tree, and if you are ever inclined to visit Tewkesbury I recommend a visit to the Abbey and the delightful tree laden grounds.… Read the full article

Pond on Parlington Lane

The small fish pond off Parlington Lane, hidden behind the estate wall can be a very ominous place when the light is low on a winter’s morning, or evening. The view above gives that impression!

York Minster Visit

Following a visit to York Minster, to tour the “Hidden Places”, along with 9 other members of the Barwick in Elmet Historical Society, I spent a good couple of hours climbing, descending, squeezing, through small apertures along very narrow corridors and up ever decreasing spiral stairways in the innards of York Minster, viewing at close hand the stunning masonry, much of it dating to the 1200’s.… Read the full article

Triumphal Arch to Feature in New Book

Some time ago I was contacted by a lady who was researching for a book about Georgian garden buildings, she had come across one of my pictures of the Triumphal Arch on Flickr and requested it be included for consideration in the upcoming book about Georgian garden buildings. Naturally I was pleased one of my pictures was in contention for a place in the book, although I have to say its not the one I would have used, however, never look a gift horse in the mouth… and anything which raises the profile of Parlington gets my vote!… Read the full article

Are we on the Cusp of a Photographic Revolution?

Regular readers to this site or its sister, and bigger site, Parlington Hall, will realize that I have a great fascination with taking photographs of the location. Sadly other things conflict with my ability to get out and record the landscape with a digital camera, so the opportunities are limited.… Read the full article

October Sunshine, Yorkshire

Beech Parlington Lane

Sunday was a day of work, as I had much to do, however after hours of toiling away I decided to take a break in the late afternoon sunshine, getting the benefits of a fine autumn day and stroll along Parlington Lane, Aberford, Yorkshire, armed with my E30 Olympus Camera with a 12-60mm Zuiko lens.… Read the full article