I have 958 photographs (as of todays date) on Flickr and I also have 2,381 views. But on looking at my pages I note that the stats are wildly adrift, on one page alone of pictures of the cellar at Parlington for example I have over 3,000 views! So what’s going on is this something to do with the sad situation of Yahoo… can’t they find the right people anymore to do justice to the sites they operate.… Read the full article
Month: January 2012
Murder in Garforth
It seems odd that a tragic event in Garforth should have a marked effect on the number of visitors and hits on my Parlington history site but whilst viewing the stats and looking at the Google Analytics pages, I noticed that the reason for the upsurge was because many people were searching Google with the following keywords: “Garforth, Murder”, and using those same words I discovered that the Parlington site was listed on the first page of Google, leading to a reference in the unlikely titled “Oddness” section where I relate a tale of witchcraft, the murder of a Gamekeeper, and also the more recent (1975) discovery of a buried corpse near the former lake, below Parlington Hollins!
Medieval Cross Near Bramham
Following recent trimming of the roadside hedges, scrub and trees, the old cross which is believed to date back to medieval times, is quite prominent on the roadside, on the left as you progress from Tadcaster on Toulston Lane towards Bramham. It really is great to see something like this, without too much in the way of vandalism afflicting it, just some fairly light scratchings from some people keen to leave their initials for no-one to wonder who they were!… Read the full article
I’m Very Tired of the EU!
I have avoided making any comments on this blog about the EU or European Union to give IT the full title, but really we ALL have to get involved, to bring change, or future generations to come will be severely blighted. I could easily add here the words “Soviet Socialist” to prefix the European Union, because that is what it is increasingly becoming.… Read the full article
New Talk: Parlington & the Military
Wounded Soldiers from Lotherton Hospital at Parlington, 1915
The Gascoigne family in the second half of nineteenth century, were like many prominent families of the day, heavily involved in the military and unsurprisingly the young, “Dick” Gascoigne, only son of Frederick and Isabella was introduced to military life early on as a cadet.… Read the full article