A Visit to Derbyshire

George Hotel Hathersage

Last Weekend we enjoyed a short trip to Derbyshire and after staying at the George Hotel in Hathersage, I can certainly recommend the food, although I did feel at the price it ought to have been top notch! Hathersage itself had a late summer feel about it, but of interest is that the George Hotel, and the village for that matter were a favourite of the great Yorkshire authoress Charlotte Bronte, and her novel Jane Eyre was set in the locale.… Read the full article

Parlington Rally :: Rally of the Tests, Thumbs Down!

Brochure Extract from the Upcoming Rally

Rally of the Tests
Click on the picture to visit the Classic Rally Web site in a new window.

Another sad tale; earlier in the year I met with Peter Scott a notable local Rally Driver who also runs Bretts Fish Restaurant in Headingley. Any how turning to the rally rather than the fish suppers.… Read the full article

Parlington BBQ Sauce

During the summer months the opportunity to have a BBQ is rarely missed, even if there is no-one else to enjoy it, or when the weather is less than favourable, I just love cooking on my Weber kettle barbecue, the Rolls Royce of barbecue equipment. So following a recent do, I was asked by one of the guests if they could have my recipe for BBQ sauce, so I said I would send it to them, at this point a couple of other friends chimed in that they also would like to know the recipe so here it is now everyone can get the benefit.… Read the full article