
Fairly Recent Picture (We only get older!)

Ok, I’ve finally given in! I’ve succumbed [March 2007]; in order to keep a reasonable flow of information on Parlington and also to add other topical items, I have started a “WordPress” Blog on http://www.parlington.info, this should enable me to keep adding information on a regular basis, without the detail of the main site, really a synopsis of my findings. Hope you enjoy it! I shall of course continue to put detailed accounts on the main site, which has for some time now lain abandoned due to a serious amount of research work over the last summer and autumn.

The Gascoigne Family, living at Parlington from the mid sixteenth century through to the early part of the twentieth century, counted amongst their number some who took a dim view of the workings of the State. Prominent was the last baronet Sir Thomas Gascoigne 8th Bt [1745-1810]. He famously had the Triumphal Arch built on the high ground overlooking his entire estate. The inscription to be found on each face is identical, “Liberty in N. America Triumphant MDCCLXXXIII” The section on my Parlington history site here, gives a full account of the structure. Briefly, he was less than impressed by our attitude and warmongering with our own kith and kin in the colonies of North America. Therefore considering myself a Parlingtonian, in fact really the head of the tribe of one! I am, on this site continuing the obduracy of my late hero! Perhaps, I am the re-incarnation of the young Tom Gascoigne who perished following a tragic riding accident in the autumn of 1809.

Having the foregoing in mind, of late I have become increasingly minded to speak out, as I fear our fragile democracy is slipping away, and has been in my view for some considerable part of the twentieth century, say post 1914, and is now accelerating in the twenty first century, with our subservience to the European Union, that oh…so…not democratic, would love to be super state, so from now on I shall more active [added November 2012].

Sadly whilst I do get occasional comments on my posts I get a huge amount of spam posts, this has prompted me to disable comments. I was getting upwards of 30 spam posts a day, sometimes much worse, so despite the fact that a blog should be a two way communication, it is now more of a soap box! Any sensible observations, that don’t include the best place to buy male enhancement products and their ilk, I am always pleased to receive, just email me, here: Brian Hull

In the words of Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909):

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.

I liked what Mr Hale had to say, but I fear he was rather verbose… but then I have been similarly accused from time to time.

1 comment

  1. Hello,
    I was surfing the ‘net for information about Jon Rennard and came upon your post about him. Both his albums, Brimbledon Fair and The Parting Glass, were re-released as digital downloads in 2015, which you can buy on Amazon.com; I have done so. If for some reason you can’t get them, I could probably email you the files. I do really love both albums. A bit of good news: the digital albums included a couple of bonus tracks not on the original records. Good luck!

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