EU Waste

Yet another indictment of the dreadful waste in the European Union, and we just sit around and take it! Do not forget to factor in these horror stories when if the promised referendum takes place.

If you find the revelations about the horse meat scandal alarming, you may not realise it is another example of the failings of the EU, read the very informative posts by Richard North at EU Referendum for a detailed analysis of the mess.


Huhne Ex-Minister... Horray!Image file courtesy of Wikipedia

I wrote about the ‘orrible hewn last year following his adamant rejection of his alleged crime, well he’s finally done the right thing! What does it take with these people, are they so arrogant that they plough on regardless, believing themselves bullet proof, until the last moment before the Judge in court.… Read the full article



Before I had chance to see the close details of the route of the proposed High Speed Two railway, having only a layout superimposed over an ordnance map I penned the following to my readers on the Parlington History site.

Fresh from the announcement by our ludicrous Government about the way they intend to waste a further £30+ Billion (£30,000,000,000) of our hard earned money, albeit over the next many years; so we can safely assume the figure will be considerably larger, on the High Speed Railway to Leeds and Church Fenton in Yorkshire.

Read the full article