Apple & Steve Jobs

Apple Icon
Those who know me will have no doubt that I am upset by the resignation of Steve Jobs… heck I’ve been using Apple products since the beginning of the nineties! I bought my first Apple machine in Hong Kong and remember looking at the “Next Cube” at an exhibition as an alternative and wondered whether it represented a better bet, but I stuck with my purchase of the PowerBook 140, I’ve never wavered since, despite some tricky times before Steve Jobs returned in 1997.… Read the full article

Riots, not new, always a worry!

Gordon Riots 1780

Gordon riots

Two interesting letters from the period.

Lincoln Inn Fields, London, June 3rd 1780 – Least my dear friends at Peel should be under any apprehension for us, on account of this mob, I will write to day to tell you we neither suffered fright nor danger by it, though they were very noisy all night, and there still is a continual crowd about the Sardinian Ambassador’s.… Read the full article