At some point during the evening of Monday 29th or the early hours of Tuesday 30th, this blog went awol! We are now back up and running with an older version of WordPress, apologies for any inconvenience.
Month: August 2011
Apple & Steve Jobs
Those who know me will have no doubt that I am upset by the resignation of Steve Jobs… heck I’ve been using Apple products since the beginning of the nineties! I bought my first Apple machine in Hong Kong and remember looking at the “Next Cube” at an exhibition as an alternative and wondered whether it represented a better bet, but I stuck with my purchase of the PowerBook 140, I’ve never wavered since, despite some tricky times before Steve Jobs returned in 1997.… Read the full article
Roof Truss Sketch Goes Global!
A couple of years back, summer 2008 to be more precise, I constructed a virtual roof truss of the timber structure which once covered the Drawing Room Block at Parlington Hall, from the early part of the nineteenth century up until around the mid 1950’s. Below is a view of the sketch.… Read the full article
Barnaby Rudge
Given all the talk of the riots, and I have to say numerous mentions of the earlier unrest, termed the Gordon Riots of 1780, it seems only fitting to mention Charles Dickens novel Barnaby Rudge, set as it was during that riotous period. So here is a picture by BOZ from the Philadelphia Edition.… Read the full article
Riots, not new, always a worry!
Gordon Riots 1780
Two interesting letters from the period.
Lincoln Inn Fields, London, June 3rd 1780 – Least my dear friends at Peel should be under any apprehension for us, on account of this mob, I will write to day to tell you we neither suffered fright nor danger by it, though they were very noisy all night, and there still is a continual crowd about the Sardinian Ambassador’s.… Read the full article