Lotherton Drawing Room Restoration Plan

Interior of Lotherton Hall, the Drawing Room

Lotherton Hall is a favourite location for many people to visit, and with the ability to “get up close”, to the furnishings and fittings, is perhaps unique in Britains’ Country Houses. However like all old buildings some of the fabric of the house especially the interior décor, is showing signs of age.… Read the full article

Last Post ~ Well Maybe Not!

I have been non-productive in respect of updates to the main Parlington history site, and also the day to day comments site, here, for the last month. The fact is lots has happened since the previous post, too much to mention at the moment. Anyway this weekend is the end of our era at Parlington and also the fifteen years I’ve lived in Aberford, I am downsizing and moving to Tadcaster!… Read the full article

Wetherby Craft Fair (Part One)

Lotherton Lane Sunrise

I took some of my pictures to Wetherby Craft Fair yesterday, these range in size from postcard to A3+ [330mm x 483mm] and are views of local scenes and some other prominent features that have caught my eye whilst out and about. There was good deal of interest but the throughput of visitors was not as I had hoped, it was a lovely day, for a change, and most people were interested in outdoor activities, and no doubt awaiting the evening England v USA match.… Read the full article

A Book about Lotherton and Bill Burlingham (The Chauffeur)


A book about the twentieth century Gascoignes and their chauffeur, Bill Burlingham, was launched today at the local pub in Saxton, The Greyhound (worth a mention on its own, a small quiet country pub, virtually unchanged in a 100 years!). Bill who was the second chauffeur after Louis Hawkett (details here), is in his 95th year and still lives on the Lotherton Estate.… Read the full article

Parlington Talk at Lotherton Hall, Sequel

Parlington Talk Intro Page

The talk that I give to Historical Societies and other interested groups is built with Apple Keynote, a great program for presentations, people often ask if I can let them know what software the talk is created with, sadly for most, using PC’s I have to explain that there is no version that runs on their computers.… Read the full article


I promised Ronald Addyman I would link my sites to his history site, so here it is, the link is on the Blogroll.

The site contains a number of articles under the following headings
The British War Memorial at Fontaine-lez-Croisilles
Burton Salmon 2000: The Millennium Exhibition of Local History and Memorabilia – An illustrated account
The Boer War 1899-1902): Colonel Gascoigne and the Leeds Volunteers.… Read the full article