Advertiser Mag :: 2018 #05

The Flyline, Parlington Hollins, route of the Railway

Previous episodes have detailed the route along Parlington Lane to the Gamekeeper’s Cottage, beyond, the lane continues westward down the hill to Throstlenest Farm, over the Cock Beck and on to Long Lane. The route of the former railway, known locally as the ”flyline” passes through Hollins and is a right of way, so we will trace its route towards Garforth.… Read the full article

Advertiser Mag :: 2018 #03

Eastern Entrance of the Dark Arch
Eastern Entrance of the Dark Arch

Continuing our walk to the Gamekeeper’s Lodge. After leaving behind the small bridge which incidentally gets its name by being one of two archways along the route, the other being the Dark Arch. The bridge is not much wider than the roadway above that it supports, and so is always, “light”, whereas the second arch is some 80 yards long and is in contrast “dark”.… Read the full article

Advertiser Mag :: 2018 #02

Parlington Lane, Looking Towards the Light Arch

A walk along Parlington Lane, from Aberford opposite Lotherton Lane, the road rises quite steeply before levelling off after about 30 metres. It does this because in the past it was the terminus of the Aberford Railway, and if you wander over to the right you will find a large retaining wall, above the former coal staithes, which separates the landscape, running along the line of the lane for a good distance.… Read the full article

Caveat Emptor


The image above is a screen shot of an eBay sale for a book about the long gone Aberford Railway. Sadly, and that’s why I say “caveat emptor” in my title to this post, it is not what it seems. Here is a description from the sale:

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.

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Pictures Representing Mood

Here is a very dark view of the tunnel on Parlington Lane, built between circa 1812-14. This artistic view at the east end, represents my dark mood when I heard of yet more scandal at the BBC. [Click on the picture for a larger version]

It really is time to let the forces of commercialism act upon the funding for the out of control leviathan.… Read the full article

Pond on Parlington Lane

The small fish pond off Parlington Lane, hidden behind the estate wall can be a very ominous place when the light is low on a winter’s morning, or evening. The view above gives that impression!

Lost Circular Polaroid Filter

If you enjoy the walk along Parlington Lane, from the junction with the old Great North Road in Aberford, west under the Light Arch, along and behind, the Dark Arch, or if you are unafraid of spooks, through the mud inside the arch; then past the Gamekeeper’s Cottage and along past the two Staithes Cottages, and down the hill to Throstle Nest.… Read the full article

October Sunshine, Yorkshire

Beech Parlington Lane

Sunday was a day of work, as I had much to do, however after hours of toiling away I decided to take a break in the late afternoon sunshine, getting the benefits of a fine autumn day and stroll along Parlington Lane, Aberford, Yorkshire, armed with my E30 Olympus Camera with a 12-60mm Zuiko lens.… Read the full article

A Walk on the Old Railway Line

View Through the Light Arch

A recent stroll along the old Fly-line armed with my camera, gave me time to reflect on the beauty of nature, and no matter how many times I choose the old railway route and Parlington Lane I am always enchanted by the landscape, particularly this view as you come out of the Light Arch heading towards Aberford.… Read the full article

The Manning Wardle Ghost Train

Ghost Train

I know I stated that the previous post was my last entry, given I have now left Parlington, well I had a weird dream last night where I was standing above the railway line on the south side of the Dark Arch and I watched the ghostly train go by! Yes very far fetched but I awoke this morning thinking it had really happened!… Read the full article