Approaching the General Election

Paper People

The looming prospect of a General Election, leaves me in a quandary, I am desperate to see the back of the labour party, but I am equally unconvinced by the somewhat wet Conservative opposition. Labour have had thirteen years, and by any measure, we can see the wrecked economy, you only need to consider that the Government’s share of national spending has moved from around 36% at the time Labour took office in 1997 to around 52% today.… Read the full article

The Sting, the Pig and a bunch of MP’s

I watched that excellent film, The Sting, starring Paul Newman, (now sadly the late) and Robert Redford the other evening and it reminded me of the recent Channel Four Despatches programme in which Stephen Byers, Patricia Hewitt, Geof Hoon and Margaret Moran were set up in an undercover operation to reveal the murky goings on by our MP’s, using their influence to affect an outcome for a fee.… Read the full article

Limestone Quarries

Jackdaw Quarry

Jackdaw Quarry, near Tadcaster

One of the great features of Yorkshire is the wide variety of quality stone which is to be found across the county, around Aberford on the Parlington Estate and on the north bank of the Cock Beck are numerous worked out old quarries, looking closely at the stone face you can often find the quarrying marks, holes drilled for explosives.… Read the full article

Photos are King

Parlington Driveway Ground Mist

Yesterday I posted some pictures of Tewkesbury, which I believe set the scene in that part of the world, but remember local photographs of Parlington can hold up against most things. The picture here is of the driveway with a slight mist affecting the ground levels but the trees are dreamlike, and all is enhanced by a wild sky.… Read the full article

Local landmarks around Tewkesbury

The Nodding Gables, currently a Halifax Branch

Halifax Building, Tewkesbury

A weekend in the Cotswolds gave me the opportunity to do some local scenes, and where better than Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, sadly Saturday’s weather was less than favourable, but by Sunday morning it had turned around and a walk around the old Abbey and along the streets full of old timbered buildings was delightful in the morning sunshine.… Read the full article

Why You’ve Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920!

Pound Symbol
The following talk by Tom Woods at, is a refreshing take on dealing with a recession in a manner that does not involve government spending yet more of the taxpayers hard won earnings! The entire talk lasts around 47 minutes but is well worth listening to. The frankness of economic theory that the speaker exspouses makes me realise how the UK Government has made serious mistakes on our behalf with the quantative easing madness that has followed the equally horrendous bail out of the banks.… Read the full article

A Book about Lotherton and Bill Burlingham (The Chauffeur)


A book about the twentieth century Gascoignes and their chauffeur, Bill Burlingham, was launched today at the local pub in Saxton, The Greyhound (worth a mention on its own, a small quiet country pub, virtually unchanged in a 100 years!). Bill who was the second chauffeur after Louis Hawkett (details here), is in his 95th year and still lives on the Lotherton Estate.… Read the full article