House Rejuvenation, a Small Tidbit

My ability to add articles here and more importantly to continue to set out the history of Parlington Hall on my main Parlington site has taken something of a back seat over the last few months as I have been seriously modifying rooms, and rejuvenating the rather tired look of the property we bought last year.… Read the full article

New Design

I have reverted back to the earlier design style, as a number of vistors said they preferred it, also I found some deficiencies with it so I was easily persuaded to press the delete button!

This new design is to reflect the changes that have occurred recently, not living at Parlington any more, I felt it necessary to keep adding new information as I came by it but also to enlarge the scope of the site.Read the full article

Save MySQL

Save MySQL Open source database

Although this may seem a little off topic, the proposed acquisition of Sun Systems by Oracle, will bring MySQL under the control of the world’s largest provider of closed source databases. MySQL is probably the leading open source database system on the market and is used by many sites around the world.… Read the full article

A Picture of the Marble Arch, London

Marble Arch, the site of Tyburn

Marble Arch, London

During a weekend trip to London, for me it was important to make a visit to Marble Arch, one of many, to view again this edifice built in 1828 to a design by John Nash to form an entrance to Buckingham Palace. It was moved in 1851 to its present location, nearby the location of the then removed Tyburn Gallows.… Read the full article

Internet Links

I am regularly asked by friends, “email that link won’t you”, so here is a list of bookmarks I use from time to time on subjects of interest, some of these you may find interesting, but more than the “Steve Davies” [former Snooker Champion] sense of that word! The links are on the Bookmark Sharing Page, in the column to the right.… Read the full article

York Railway Museum

Last weekend, Sunday 16th of August, my wife and I took some time out shopping in York, I also managed to persuade her that we could re-visit the Railway Museum! Not that I am a latent train spotter, or anything like that, but I like to keep abreast of any new additions or discover things I had previously overlooked.… Read the full article

New Interface Design

I rather like the ease with which you can add content using WordPress, however I was not happy with the standard interface design and although there are lots of templates which can be applied, I wanted the design to reflect that on my main Parlington Site. So I have now amended the template to my own design, which is close to the main site style.