EU Waste

Yet another indictment of the dreadful waste in the European Union, and we just sit around and take it! Do not forget to factor in these horror stories when if the promised referendum takes place.

If you find the revelations about the horse meat scandal alarming, you may not realise it is another example of the failings of the EU, read the very informative posts by Richard North at EU Referendum for a detailed analysis of the mess.


Huhne Ex-Minister... Horray!Image file courtesy of Wikipedia

I wrote about the ‘orrible hewn last year following his adamant rejection of his alleged crime, well he’s finally done the right thing! What does it take with these people, are they so arrogant that they plough on regardless, believing themselves bullet proof, until the last moment before the Judge in court.… Read the full article



Before I had chance to see the close details of the route of the proposed High Speed Two railway, having only a layout superimposed over an ordnance map I penned the following to my readers on the Parlington History site.

Fresh from the announcement by our ludicrous Government about the way they intend to waste a further £30+ Billion (£30,000,000,000) of our hard earned money, albeit over the next many years; so we can safely assume the figure will be considerably larger, on the High Speed Railway to Leeds and Church Fenton in Yorkshire.

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Liberty in the USA but not for the UK

triumphal arch
I am deeply enraged that the United States Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, a Mr Philip Gordon has the temerity to lecture us on our relationship with the EU. [BBC Radio Four, Today programme, this date.] Given the time honoured principle of democracy we have become accustomed to associate with the USA, and indeed the support goes way back, as we know from the Triumphal Arch the long standing monument to American Liberty on the Parlington Estate; shown above, [click on the photo to visit the associated history pages].… Read the full article

Boxing Day Hunt


Given the mild weather over Christmas it was a good fine occasion for the Boxing Day Hunt at Parlington, the above shot was taken as the riders were passing along Parlington Lane, to the west of the Dark Arch. There were no incidents, in fact a farmer friend of mine could not recall the hunt ever having made a kill, I do recall a few years ago a fleet footed specimen tearing across the old deer park near to a small clump of chestnut trees.… Read the full article

More on the Bias of the BBC

I wrote recently, not expecting any landslide of rubbled response, but in order to add my observations to the many in the bloggesphere at the disgraceful manner in which the BBC deliberately sides with leftist agendas, in almost all the serious reporting that it outputs. My earlier post titled: “Pictures Representing Mood” set out the blatant abuse by the BBC of its charter obligations in respect of its reporting and commenting on all matters associated with the Earth’s climate, and in particular the shoddy treatment of a lone blogger, Tony Newbury, who had attempted to obtain information about a meeting held by the BBC to set future policy on its climate reporting.… Read the full article

Government Control of the Internet?

The following YouTube video about the sinister machinations of the global political elite, or more P.C. the world’s governments, to restrict the Internet is worth watching. Keep an eye out for the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), it’s being organized by a government-controlled UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).… Read the full article

Pesky CO2;

The endless diatribe from so many sources about the coming armageddon, brought on by mankind’s enrichment of the atmosphere with CO² has always left me cold! The notion of empirical science, went out of the window when we were told of the “consensus” of climate scientists. No matter what blunders they made, like the disclosure of megabytes of emails showing the players concealing data and obfuscating anything that might have shown that CO² was not the culprit.… Read the full article