When travelling along the old Great North Road (A1) it is always worthwhile checking to see how the light is cast over the former Almshouses. I don’t suppose for one moment that the original inhabitants ever considered how the place looked in the face of the direction of the sunlight; but they must have been very pleased that the old place afforded them shelter in a less hospitable world than the one we live in today!… Read the full article
Month: June 2010
Summer Solstice
Yesterday saw the start of summer time and to celebrate the event nature produced a dramatic sunset over the northern sky at Parlington, here is one picture from a collection I captured as the sun set! For those interested the image below is a satellite view of Parlington showing the sun rise and set along with the moon rise and set.… Read the full article
Wetherby Craft Fair (Part Two)
The above picture is something and nothing, but I see the image as a representation of the old Hall disappearing into the ether, which is represented by the clouds in the sky! Which seems to have sucked the Hall from the landscape, of course this view was obscured for centuries, my photograph is taken from the location of the old kitchen, looking across where the central section stood after the 1730’s!… Read the full article
Forest Floor is Locked Down
During a walk through the woods here in Parlington, I came across this extraordinary scene, there on the floor of the forest was a lock and clasp in the tangle of dead leaves. It is as if there is a doorway to the lower extremities of the planet, a kind of door to Hell itself, do not pass Purgatory, continue straight down to Hell!… Read the full article
Wetherby Craft Fair (Part One)
I took some of my pictures to Wetherby Craft Fair yesterday, these range in size from postcard to A3+ [330mm x 483mm] and are views of local scenes and some other prominent features that have caught my eye whilst out and about. There was good deal of interest but the throughput of visitors was not as I had hoped, it was a lovely day, for a change, and most people were interested in outdoor activities, and no doubt awaiting the evening England v USA match.… Read the full article
An Interesting Take on Climate Change
The Cock Beck in Full Flow under Aberford Bridge
The debate over man induced climate change continues with the new [ConDem] government making PC noises about costs associated with combatting AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming]. To me the idea that they can do anything or that it is expedient given the evidence is a huge fabrication, but it keeps on rearing its “Hydra”, using a different head for each imagined fear: Sea Level Rises; Increased precipitation; glacier melt; artic ice sheet reduction; etc.,… Read the full article
MGB GT 1976 Black, Yet More Downsizing
The old MG has to go, I have spent a fortune on the thing since 1986 when I bought it, I had a complete body rebuild done in 1989, at a cost of over £5,000, and after using it for years as a play car, I started to use it daily after returning from the Far East in 1993.… Read the full article
BBC – A History of the World
For those interested in all things historical, I’ve added a short article about the Brewster Stereo Photo Viewer to the new BBC “A History of the World” web site which acompanies the rather good Radio Four series, “A History of the World in a 100 Objects”.
The site and in particular my article about the viewer is here: Brewster 3D Viewer
The article on my on the main Parlington History site is here:
Artefacts Section
The idea is a naked attempt to push more visitors to the History site, as people keep telling me that the profile of the site is too low!