Advertiser Mag :: 2018 #01

Old Roadway downhill from site of Barnbow Hall

After introducing Parlington in the last edition, it seems reasonable to provide some background information about where the Gascogne family lived before moving to Parlington, especially as the location of their earlier home was in the Barwick, Scholes vicinity. Where was it? Follow Parlington Lane where it leaves the Parlington Estate at Long Lane, but continues as Ellis Lane and follows along the south end of Garforth Golf Course, adjacent to the Cock Beck and later it forks where the road used to enter the World War One Munitions site, and former location of Barnbow village.… Read the full article

Another Tree, I Love

You just have to love trees… they sit quietly in the landscape, they don’t bother anyone, except perhaps our deciduous friends who shed their leaves in fall, as we are obliged to clear up after them, but it really is a small price to pay for the splendour they offer from Spring onwards.… Read the full article

Trees, We Must Protect Them

I love trees! whenever I am in an area where there is a predominance of trees I take the opportunity to photograph them, I say photograph rather than snap, because I hope to get a considered view. The shot in this post is one such opportunity I seized whilst visiting Tewkesbury Abbey earlier this week, it’s a great tree, and if you are ever inclined to visit Tewkesbury I recommend a visit to the Abbey and the delightful tree laden grounds.… Read the full article