
A Short YouTube Video explaining the Cookie law

This site uses cookies via Google Analytics for the purpose of recording traffic, I don’t know anything about the user other than simple facts like Browser type, Operating System, screen resolution etc. As it stands, tracking the visitors is simply a measure of the volume of readers, which can be analysed in a variety of ways, harmless!… Read the full article

A New Industrial Landscape in the Dales

Electricity Generation in the UK

Yorkshire has a mixture of good and bad when it comes to the landscape, those areas which were once the backbone of the Industrial Revolution, have largely disappeared, leaving behind a post industrial wasteland. Sheffield and Rotherham for example were heavily polluted by the steel making, but rather than refining our techniques and cleaning them up so we could demonstrate to the World we could make the heavy stuff and still have a decent environment we exported much of our expertise to the less developed part of the World.… Read the full article