Following recent trimming of the roadside hedges, scrub and trees, the old cross which is believed to date back to medieval times, is quite prominent on the roadside, on the left as you progress from Tadcaster on Toulston Lane towards Bramham. It really is great to see something like this, without too much in the way of vandalism afflicting it, just some fairly light scratchings from some people keen to leave their initials for no-one to wonder who they were!… Read the full article
Category: Local Views
Garforth Historical Society
Garforth, on the east of Leeds, has grown considerably in the post WW2 period and has had for many years a vibrant Historical Society. I was first introduced to the society by the former secretary Ron Sudderdean. Over the last few years I have given talks about Parlington on at least three occasions, each time offering new discoveries.… Read the full article
Wetherby Craft Fair (Part Two)
The above picture is something and nothing, but I see the image as a representation of the old Hall disappearing into the ether, which is represented by the clouds in the sky! Which seems to have sucked the Hall from the landscape, of course this view was obscured for centuries, my photograph is taken from the location of the old kitchen, looking across where the central section stood after the 1730’s!… Read the full article
Wetherby Craft Fair (Part One)
I took some of my pictures to Wetherby Craft Fair yesterday, these range in size from postcard to A3+ [330mm x 483mm] and are views of local scenes and some other prominent features that have caught my eye whilst out and about. There was good deal of interest but the throughput of visitors was not as I had hoped, it was a lovely day, for a change, and most people were interested in outdoor activities, and no doubt awaiting the evening England v USA match.… Read the full article
Glass Prints
I stated some months ago about offering prints of my photographic work on a new site called Parlington Gallery at Initially the site was set up to display some local landscape paintings done by Anthony Christian who lives nearby, and to this date these are all that are on the site.… Read the full article
Leeds – Liverpool Canal
I recently joined the Leeds Photographic Society (LPS), apparently the oldest in the world! I hope to improve my photographic skills by discovering other members techniques, time will tell. Anyhow this last Tuesday, the society meets twice monthly during the summer months, we met at the Leeds Wharf and spent an evening photographing every thing between Leeds and Armley.… Read the full article
Local landmarks around Tewkesbury
The Nodding Gables, currently a Halifax Branch
A weekend in the Cotswolds gave me the opportunity to do some local scenes, and where better than Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, sadly Saturday’s weather was less than favourable, but by Sunday morning it had turned around and a walk around the old Abbey and along the streets full of old timbered buildings was delightful in the morning sunshine.… Read the full article