January 2021 Advertiser Article

Those reading the Parlington articles from previous editions will recall how Richard Oliver inherited the Gascoigne estates after the death of the last “real“ Gascoigne, Sir Thomas in 1810.

Horse racing continued as a primary activity at Parlington under Richard Oliver-Gascoigne (he took the surname on his accession to the estates) and new racing successes were had.… Read the full article

Google Adsense

Due to increased costs for my servers, I am allowing some discreet Google Ads to appear on the site, hope they are not too inconvenient! That’s all for this post.

Re-Discovering Your Roots

A couple of months back (June 2009) I was contacted by a reader of the Parlington History site explaining that he had lived in the old hall when he was a child in the early fifties. He pointed out that he had been born at Hazelwood Castle (Used as a maternity Hospital in the post war period) and had come to Parlington after he and his mother left the hospital.… Read the full article

Stats for the site

It seems that although a reasonable number of visitors pass through this site and the average time spent on the site is around 6 minutes (which is good for a web site), few people make any comments!! I set the site up so people could get involved, but that is not happening, it’s just me stating this or that.… Read the full article