Parlington Artefacts Display at Crossgates

This coming Friday, 28th May, I will be setting up a new exhibit at Crossgates Heritage Centre of my Parlington artefacts, for the East Leeds History and Archaeology Society. The picture below is a view of the Centre at Crossgates Library, and I presume, my items will be placed in one of the glass cabinets.… Read the full article

For Sale: Lawnflite 603

Lawnflite 603 Mower

Downsizing means I have no use for such a large lawnmower, hence the sale of my MTD Lawnflite 603, bought new from a local dealer in 2005, the equipment is in excellent condition and comprises the motor unit with a cutting deck and fan assisted grass clippings removal. Demountable rear grass collector or external chute, to leave clippings on the ground.… Read the full article

Leeds – Liverpool Canal

Leeds Liverpool Canal

I recently joined the Leeds Photographic Society (LPS), apparently the oldest in the world! I hope to improve my photographic skills by discovering other members techniques, time will tell. Anyhow this last Tuesday, the society meets twice monthly during the summer months, we met at the Leeds Wharf and spent an evening photographing every thing between Leeds and Armley.… Read the full article

Lotherton Parlington Exhibition Closes

Brewster Stereo Photo Viewer
Having not written any articles recently, I felt I should add a short note about my exhibition of Parlington artefacts that have been on display at Lotherton Hall these last six months and more. Today the items have been taken down and packed into boxes, to return to Parlington, so ends my first mini-exhibition, which by all accounts was well received.… Read the full article