Tutankhamun was not born in Swaffham!

Swaffham Cemetery

Cemetery Swaffham

This may seem an odd post title, but during my visit to London last weekend, whilst on route to the V & A Museum in South Kensington, I noticed a sign in the tube network which gave dates of various luminaries from the past and their birth places. There was the name of Howard Carter [1874-1939] the Egyptologist, famous for discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun on the 26th of November 1922.… Read the full article

Panoramic Photos

manfrotto 303 sph

Manfrotto 303 SPH Panoramic Head

Over the last few years I have had many people ask me about producing panoramas of the various parts of the Parlington Estate, some to show on the Parlington history site other to offer for sale. I have decided to be more pro-active and take some of my photography to a new level and offer various items for sale.… Read the full article

A Picture of the Marble Arch, London

Marble Arch, the site of Tyburn

Marble Arch, London

During a weekend trip to London, for me it was important to make a visit to Marble Arch, one of many, to view again this edifice built in 1828 to a design by John Nash to form an entrance to Buckingham Palace. It was moved in 1851 to its present location, nearby the location of the then removed Tyburn Gallows.… Read the full article

London a Country on its Own

London Eye at Night

The header picture is of the London Eye in the early evening of Friday 20th November 2009, A flight, as the promoters call it, is well worth it despite the expense!

A visit to London this last weekend, reminded me of a discussion, with a business friend, I had years ago about the economy being centric to the south east, London in particular.… Read the full article

A Moan about the mess we are in!

A Retro View of the Triumphal Arch

A Retro View of the Triumphal Arch

There is much to be dismayed about in present day Great Britain [GB], many even feel that we should dispense with the term, ‘Great’ and just call the country the United Kingdom [UK], but is it a united kingdom, I think that’s debatable. Being more focused, the financial mess we are in as a nation is perhaps the most important issue to address at the moment.… Read the full article

Clamour of the Times

Professor Philip Stott

A blog by Professor Philip Stott [Emeritus Professor of Biogeography, University of London], is always a refreshing read, recently however his usually productive output had slowed to less than a trickle, so how pleased to see he had started up again at The clamour of our times. If you want to read a realistic and huorous take on the daily political circus, drop by his site.… Read the full article

Out of the Blue

Moody view of the Triumphal Arch

Moody view of the Triumphal Arch

Yesterday the post arrived and out of the blue was a large packet, with the words “Please Do Not Bend” emblazened across the top left corner. I had no idea what it could be as I was not expecting anything. So imagine my delight when I discovered that it contained a photograph from 1914 of Parlington being used as a hospital; a fact, hitherto unknown.… Read the full article

Parlington Talk at Lotherton Hall, Sequel

Parlington Talk Intro Page

The talk that I give to Historical Societies and other interested groups is built with Apple Keynote, a great program for presentations, people often ask if I can let them know what software the talk is created with, sadly for most, using PC’s I have to explain that there is no version that runs on their computers.… Read the full article

Our Lack of Democracy in the UK!

What’s on your mind? I’ll tell you what’s on my mind, after the debacle of the Lisbon treaty, and our inability to vote on the issue, due to the incumbent in Downing Street having no regard for democracy, despite making it a manifesto pledge at the last election, or for anyone but himself; or perhaps was he just afraid to put it to the country!… Read the full article

The Biggest Sell off …of Aberford that ever was!

1964 Auction Sale Catalogue Cover

On the 2nd of October 1964, The Parlington Estate and much of Aberford, along with a few properties in Saxton were put under the auctioneers hammer! This is a list of the property on offer.

The Auction Properties

  • Lot 1 Superb site for residence of character (Parlington Hall site)
  • Lot 2 Gardens House (Principal source for fruit and vegetables from the walled gardens since the late 18th century)
  • 7 Highly productive arable and stock farms (let and producing £5,746.00 [£87,250 at todays rates, 2009, based on the retail price index] per annum) lots 3-9.
Read the full article