Scout Camp Location

I puzzled long and hard as to where the scouts shown in the earlier post were actually camped and have come to the conclusion, based on the topography of the site that they were in the area I have marked with an arrow. Although this is an area cultivated today.Location of scout camp?

The Scouts

During the twentieth century the Guide and Scouting movement and Parlington were inexorably linked, many references have been uncovered which show the camping holidays that were enjoyed by the Scouts. Even on a recent visit to a heritage meeting at Leeds Civic Hall, one delegate explained that she had fond memories of camping at Parlington!… Read the full article

The Ice House

There are some things here at Parlington which are quite unusual and are worth a mention, one, which is the subject of this first blog is the old Ice House. The picture above is a view of the entrance, which in recent years has been secured by the steel grill. The structure is built into an escarpment and is built of brick, it is shaped like a flat bottomed egg.… Read the full article

The Hunt :: Boxing Day

Master of HoundsBoxing Day is a time when something of the flavour of old Aberford can be sensed with the arrival of the hunt. Although those that RIDE to the meet in the twenty first century are in a minority, contrasted with those that travel in the luxury of a large horse box, it is none the less an attractive sight to see the many riders enjoying what is essentially a hack!… Read the full article

A Picture of the Stables

Towards the end of 2007, I was contacted by a lady who is the Granddaughter of the last gardener to be employed by the Gascoigne family. He lived in the house which lies north of the old hall, termed the “Gardens House”. Naturally his granddaughter enjoyed playing in the vicinity in her early years when visiting her grandparents, in fact visiting right up until the death of her grandfather in the 1960’s.This… Read the full article

Categorized as The Hall

Stained Glass

The Gascoigne sisters were known for their interest in stained glass and the nearby Almshouses built in the early 1840’s at the behest of the two heiresses is a monument to both the skills of local stonemasons and the artistic talent of glaziers of the day. It is thought that the stained glass however is not the work of the sisters, but believed to have been commissioned by them.… Read the full article

The New Parlington Blog

Ok, I’ve finally given in! I’ve succumbed; in order to keep a reasonable flow of information on Parlington for those readers who are keen to learn more about the history of this old place I have started a “WordPress” Blog on, this should enable me to keep adding information on a regular basis, without the detail of the main site, really a synopsis of my findings.… Read the full article